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spring_ln07.gif (3679 bytes)

spring_bvs.gif (1438 bytes)

You are welcome to mix-and-match these backgrounds! :0)

spring_bgtileb.gif (652 bytes) spring_bgtileg.gif (667 bytes) spring_bgtilep.gif (681 bytes) spring_bgtilev.gif (680 bytes)
spring_bgtilebb.gif (643 bytes) spring_bgtilegg.gif (652 bytes) spring_bgtilepp.gif (686 bytes) spring_bgtilevv.gif (683 bytes)
spring_bgstileb.gif (402 bytes) spring_bgstileg.gif (416 bytes) spring_bgstilep.gif (396 bytes) spring_bgstilev.gif (410 bytes)
spring_bgstilebb.gif (611 bytes) spring_bgstilegg.gif (637 bytes) spring_bgstilepp.gif (631 bytes) spring_bgstilevv.gif (611 bytes)
spring_bgstilebbb.gif (144 bytes) spring_bgstileggg.gif (193 bytes) spring_bgstileppp.gif (261 bytes) spring_bgstilevvv.gif (158 bytes)
spring_bgqltb.gif (1045 bytes) spring_bgqltg.gif (979 bytes) spring_bgqltp.gif (1003 bytes) spring_bgqltv.gif (1040 bytes)


spring_bgyplain1.gif (637 bytes) spring_bgyplain2.gif (697 bytes) spring_bgystripes.gif (447 bytes) spring_bgystripesh.gif (400 bytes)
spring_bgystripeh.gif (444 bytes) spring_bgystripe.gif (468 bytes) spring_bgystripem.gif (844 bytes) spring_bgystripemh.gif (793 bytes)


spring_bgystripeb.gif (1473 bytes) spring_bgystripess.gif (1324 bytes)


spring_bgbstripesfl.gif (3381 bytes) spring_bgvfl.gif (3457 bytes)


spring_bgstripeb.gif (470 bytes) spring_bgstripeg.gif (463 bytes) spring_bgstripep.gif (467 bytes) spring_bgstripepg.gif (549 bytes)
spring_bgstripev.gif (456 bytes) spring_bgstripevg.gif (550 bytes) spring_bgstripeo.gif (454 bytes) spring_bgstripego.gif (551 bytes)


spring_bgtulipb.gif (8243 bytes) spring_bgtulipg.gif (8118 bytes)
spring_bgtulipp.gif (8342 bytes) spring_bgtulipv.gif (8093 bytes)

Side-bordered background

to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk


to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk


to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk


to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk


to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk


to save this background:

right-click anywhere on this table, choose "save background as" and save it to your own harddisk

spring_lg03.gif (1447 bytes)

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spring_ln07.gif (3679 bytes)